Ppt P.4 Global Corporate Tax Rate Level in Perspective
- McCarthy, N. (2016):"Global
Corporation Tax Levels In Perspective". retrieved from https://www.statista.com/chart/5594/global-corporation-tax-levels-in-perspective/
Ppt P.9 Hong Kong traits as Tax Heaven
Profits tax: all profits
earned by operating an industry, profession or business in Hong Kong are
Salaries tax: actual taxable
income in the tax year is calculated at progressive tax rates
Property tax: for
rent-collecting owners, if the property has rental income during the tax year,
the owner must file a tax return.
Stamp duty: taxes levied on
written documents, written documents related to the sale of real property
located in Hong Kong are also taxed.
Import and Export duties:
customs duties levied on goods entering and leaving the country, passenger
luggage, postal items and gifts.
Ppt P.9 Corporate Tax Haven Index - 2019 Results
- Corporate Tax Haven Index - 2019
Ppt P.11 Oxfam report on BEPS
- Oxfam report on BEPS https://www.oxfam.org.hk/tc/f/news_and_publication/1368/content_32758tc.pdf
Ppt P.14 Apple Company
- Paradise Papers: Apple’s secret tax
bolthole revealed - BBC News
蘋果被罰1126億 歐盟嫌愛爾蘭少收稅
Apple Corporate Social
Ppt P.16 McDonald's
EU to investigate claims
McDonald's avoided $1bn in tax
Corporate Social Responsibility
Ppt P.17 Microsoft
Corporate Social
Responsibility: Microsoft Case Study ( 3 : 53 case study)
Ppt P.20
Tax havens are entrenching
poverty in developing countries
Tax Inspectors Without Borders
Ppt P.21
As small firms are hammered by a tax hike,
guess what - the big boys including Starbucks, Gap and Apple are still getting
away with murder
Companies like Google, Facebook, and Boots
have suffered harsh criticism in the media for paying little to no corporation
tax while making significant profits. Others like GE, Amazon, and Apple have
faced protests and consumer boycotts for their tax avoidance schemes, damaging
the value of their brands.
Ppt P.22
What is the corporate social &
environmental responsibility of a company?
While companies have been punished for tax
practices deemed as immoral, others who have taken leadership on tax
transparency and responsibility have garnered praise and legitimacy.